Our objectives are accomplished through various programs and activities geared towards women and school age children from impoverished and disadvantaged backgrounds. The programs and activities include:

Education and Learning Enrichment (eLEARN) Program
Students generally face various challenges across the spectrum of their education which often create barriers to learning and make it difficult for them to excel on standardized tests.

Women Empowerment Program (WEP)
At TRoHG, we believe that the woman is the backbone of the family, and she plays a vital role in shaping the next generation. She is invaluable to the success of the family, and the community as a whole.

Heads Up Program (HUP)
The Heads Up Program (HUP) is offered year round. It is designed to equip women with the tools they need to be economically and socially self-sufficient and self-reliant.

Sponsor A Child (SAC)
This is about giving a child a Life and a Future. In partnership with Biu Inspired Foundation, we have been involved in the education of a number of children in IDP camps in Biu, Borno State, North East of Nigeria.